Its time to start potty training. Where should I begin? How does this work? Will it Work? What happens if he or she has an accident in the house? So, many questions may run through your head or you may not have any questions. You just don’t know where to begin. This article, hopefully, will help you get past the questions and not knowing where to begin. Here I will go more in depth on the process and products you can use to potty train your puppy.

Potty Training Starters

Potty training needs to begin when you get your new puppy. If it is a long journey home; start by stopping and letting your puppy out to sniff and attempt to go. One thing you need to have on hand is some sort of Poop Bags. Always make sure to clean up after your pet in areas;  it is just respectful. Many places have a spot for dogs and provide the necessity items to help clean up after them.

Now, you are home. If you, do not have a fenced in yard, you will need to walk your puppy around the yard or whatever area is allowed for dogs if you live in an apartment complex or something similar. Apartment complexes, usually have a dog park of their own or an area for your new friend. Give him or her enough time to sniff and learn the area this helps them feel comfortable with the area and the smells. I suggest if time allows just going for a walk of spend time in the yard playing or just walking around. This is also time the two of you can spend together learning each other at well.

One rule I was reminded of is: if you are at home and you decide (or if mandatory in your complex) to clean up after your pets; I would try to leave a little (feces) in the yard. When taking your puppy outside take he or she to the same spot. Always try to take them to the same spot when training until they get the idea.

Positive and Praise

Keeping positive with your pet on the potty training will help the process move along and encourage he or she to want to please you with the training. Accidents will happen at first, but if you watch and learn their postures, movements, and times, you should be able to pick up when it may happen and get your friend out to the appropriate spot.

Praise your furry friend when he or she has done their business outside or if you use potty pads on the pad. Use praises such as “Good Job”, “Good Girl or Boy”, “I’m so proud of you!”; then follow up with a treat and a good petting. If you, prefer not to use treats; loving your dog up and down with petting and praises is Great! If you are like me, I even kiss them on the head and I get kisses back!!

The main goal here is to make them feel happy and proud of themselves; in return they will want to do the same for you.

Training Treats

There are so many training treats on the market and I have tried several of them and found what works best for my family of furry kiddos. Not all are labeled for training but will work just as good as something cheaper. Training treats are normally a tiny form of a reward so that you can give several throughout the day without hurting your pet or overfeeding them. (This is something to be cautious of).

I feel if you use treats such as dog biscuits, you need to use in moderation, but there are some tiny biscuits I have, that I give my dogs to help keep them motivated specially the two I adopted. They work really well in our family. When it comes to finding the right training treats it all depends on you and your trainee. Dogs like different things and sometimes you will need to change it up; give them a variety. I do encourage all to research and find the healthiest and best for your type of puppy or dog.

Remember when training, you must be consistent!!! If your puppy obeys give them a treat and praise. Make sure your tone of voice is excited and proud. When there is an accident, you don’t want to have the same tone and no treat, take them and show he or she where they need to go.

Training products

How do I know which product works and which ones don’t? That is always a hard question and I have had my share of products that didn’t do anything, but I also know products that may not of worked for me but have worked for others. The main products you will need are cleaners to clean up after accidents, potty pads (if you choose to use them), training treats, and a crate or kennel.

There is another option if you would rather have something more natural in you home or apartment for training; a grass pad. Instead of a potty pad it is grass. I’m not sure how it is used and what the measures are for cleaning up (smells) but I thought I would at least throw it out there at an option.

The crate or kennel is for you to leave your pet while you are away. This helps with the training and prevents accidents. I always leave a bowl or water in mine and I give them a treat when they go in. This helps encourage them and teach them that this is their safe place.

Another great training product we have found to work with our beagles, in particular, are Bells. There are bells that you can attach to the dogs collar in order to hear and know where they are at and very useful at night when they start to move around. This helped us train our dogs to even let us know at night when they needed out. As a puppy, more than likely when you start to hear the bell, he or she, is moving around you need to get up and take them out. I admit our babies sleep with us, we used the bells to let us know when they were getting off the bed; That was our CUE!!

Bells on the doors work too. Our beagles learned from our Lab. We taught our Lab to ring the bells on the doors when he needs out. He caught on very quickly. Watch Out; the bell might get used for other pets as well. Duke, Our Lab, rings to let our cats in and out.

Below I will list several products on the market and I will also leave you with the products that have worked for my family; as well as the DIY cleaners that worked just at good.

  • ZEP
  • OUT!
  • Natures Miracle
  • GO HERE attractant
  • Pet attractant oils
  • NaturVet
  • Grass Pads
  • Potty Pads (There are various ones, this is your preference)

The Do It Yourself cleaners:

  • vinegar
  • Baking Soda

I have found this works the best with my house full of dogs and cats. Mix vinegar in a bucket of hot water and add a cup of baking soda to the mixture. (Is also a cool science experience for kids to watch what happens). I have also poured vinegar or sprayed in onto my floor and shook the baking soda on top of the vinegar. I let it set there for about ten minutes then clean up with hot water. If you like, afterwards (make sure it is dry) you can mop over with a preferred cleaner to add a better smell. We have also found we like Melaluca cleaners for our home. They are natural and safe for humans and pets. Leaves a fresh smell to the home.



Clean-ups are important. If you don’t get it cleaned up, all the way and right away it may set your puppy back in the potty training. Always use a paper towel to wipe up excess urine. Then spray on a urine enzyme product, such as the Natures Made, or your own DIY product to clean up the rest of the odors. It needs to be something that will get deep down and kill the smells. If the smell is still there, your furry friend will continue to think he can go in that same spot. Carpets, I suggest cleaning them or at least that spot to help get deep down in the carpet and pad. Now when it comes to the Number 2 business of a puppy, you will do the same thing except pick up the feces then clean the floor. Some cleaners recommend letting the product set for a time limit to work properly; make sure your read the instructions on the bottle for proper clean-up. Also, it is always a good idea to keep puppy away from the cleaners while they are allotted the time permitted.


How are you doing? Are you overwhelmed? Are you struggling? Take a deep breath and remember Patience, Positively, and Love. Everything you want from a person and what you will receive in return from you furry friend. Potty training is not easy. Some learn quickly and some take lots of time and redirection. It will be time-consuming, and frustrating, but if you are consistent with the training it will all work out and be worth the time and effort. I highly suggest getting a bell; yes it may be annoying listening to it all the time at first but in my experience it is a wonderful addition to the training and helpful guidance tool. Have Fun!!!

  1. Our Great Dane is not food driven, but she responds greatly to praise. It’s great advice to always include exuberant praise with your training even if it’s in addition to a treat.

    For me the hardest part of puppy training, especially puppy ‘potty’ training is having patience. It takes time, more time with some than others. I’ve tried to train my dog’s to potty in the same place in the yard. I even built an area in my yard specifically for this purpose. Framed a small area with railroad ties and filled it with sand and a top layer of pea gravel. I’ve gone through 2 dogs now trying to train them as puppies to use this but I’ve yet to get a dog to use it consistently. I think I give up too soon.

    Thanks for all the helpful tips.

    • I always believe that praise and love comes first before the treats. I on the other hand have three beagles who are very much food driven. They don’t always have patience for me when I just give them the praises; They want those treats.:)
      Potty training can be difficult I can honestly say our Lab was so responsive he was potty trained in a week; 2 of our girls still need reminders. Good luck and don’t give up in the future!! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  2. Amy,
    Very informative! I don’t have a dog but I can tell when a dog is well trained and well loved. My coworkers brag about their dogs all the time, and it’s pretty fun to hear their stories with their furry friends. If I get a dog, I’ll be sure to put this into practice. Thanks for your post!

    • Thank you! I admit I love my dogs and they can become my conversation and brag point as well. They are our kids and we treat them as such Although they may get away with a little more. 🙂 The stories never end. The life with a pet is a never dull moment. I actually thought of adding a post on here of some of our stories in the future. If you do get a dog We will be here to help. Amy

  3. Great post for training pups. I must admit, the potty training aspects worry me when I think of getting a new pup. When we got out fur baby, she was already trained by my cousin, so I didn’t have to worry about the mess and my ability to train properly. Reading your post helps increase my confidence in the possibility that I can handle training a puppy in the future. I still use treats to help our dog learn new things too, so your list of treats is also handy for us with older dogs. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thank you for your comment. Yes, potty training is probably one of the harder concepts to try and teach. Our lab was really easy but the Beagles were a little more difficult. Takes patience and staying on it. Never giving up. And yes treats have been our go to as well. I still use them just in moderation. Mine still go sit at our pantry when they come in just to see if they will get them. I had to refer to the mini bones so they weren’t getting much. Have fun!!

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